What are the ethical impacts of generative AI embeded in XR experiences?

  • Virtual Worlds (VWs) may be created by generative AI using spatial data training sets
  • They will be populated by increasingly sophisticated AI agents able to react to us with some novelty
  • VWs are likely to be surveyed by AI that is able to generate and apply new models to identify harassment and undesirable behavior, even in private instances

These are some cases in which generative AI may be implemented into the experience of virtual worlds, and each suggests some profound ethical consequences for designers, users, and technology platforms.

The integration of generative AI into the creation and maintenance of virtual worlds represents a fascinating intersection of technology and ethics. As these AI-driven environments evolve, they not only offer immersive experiences but also raise significant questions about autonomy, privacy, and social dynamics.

The deployment of AI surveillance to detect and address harassment and undesirable behavior underscores the importance of responsible AI governance within virtual worlds. However, my question is how much present should be AI in private instances.

I think AI will come in many forms, some that are likely to be integral to the functionality of any digital platform. So I propose to add to your question about how much AI should be present the following: what kinds of AI should be present and in what quantities? And perhaps, how much should AI applications be coordinating with others in a virtual world experience? We may want AI driven processes that allow us spatial recognition in our homes and separate processes that assess our emotional states and interests, but combining them presents more of the threat than they would present as separate and data-siloed processes.